
Сообщения за август, 2023

Privacy Policy for UNO Table (Points Tracker) App

Last updated: 16.08.2023 We, the developers of the UNO Table (Points Tracker) app, value your privacy and are committed to protecting your data. This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect, how we use it, and how we ensure its security. Collected Data We collect only the minimal amount of data necessary to ensure the functionality of our app. This includes information about added players and their scores during the game. Data Usage The collected data is solely used for the purpose of tracking and displaying game results, including score calculation, determining the winner, and constructing a leaderboard. Additionally, please note that our app displays advertisements from Google. These ads may collect certain non-personal information for the purpose of ad delivery and optimization. For more information on how Google collects and uses data, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy. Data Security We take necessary measures to secure your data. To prevent unauthorized a